TurboGears and the Summer Of Code

May 4, 2006 14:32 · 125 words · 1 minute read

If you’re a student and want to hack on open source for fun and profit this summer, Google’s Summer of Code is a great program to get into. The time to pitch a project and run with it is now. TurboGears has mentors on board and our SummerOfCode wiki page gives some info about the kinds of projects we’re thinking of (feel free to pitch whatever great idea comes into your head!). We’ve already got someone considering go after SQLAlchemy schema migration, which is an exciting topic. Jonathan LaCour will likely be mentoring any SQLAlchemy-related projects. Simon Belak will mentor projects related to TurboGears itself. David Stanek also announced that he’s a mentor for Kid-related projects and has some ideas up on the Kid site.