Schneier on Security: Voting Technology and Security

Nov 13, 2006 16:28 · 177 words · 1 minute read

This is the best summary of why electronic voting machines are a problem. I’ve certainly been aware (and scared) of the issues for some time, but there are a lot of people that aren’t. This is a good one to forward around to people you know who aren’t aware of the issues. This is a really important issue to fix before the next election, and only some people in the government are aware and care about this issue.

Schneier on Security: Voting Technology and Security

Last week in Florida’s 13th Congressional district, the victory margin was only 386 votes out of 153,000. There’ll be a mandatory lawyered-up recount, but it won’t include the almost 18,000 votes that seem to have disappeared. The electronic voting machines didn’t include them in their final tallies, and there’s no backup to use for the recount. The district will pick a winner to send to Washington, but it won’t be because they are sure the majority voted for him. Maybe the majority did, and maybe it didn’t. There’s no way to know.