The Open Web App Prototype

Oct 19, 2010 18:34 · 144 words · 1 minute read apps

For some time, I’ve thought that many applications written as native applications for many different platforms could be done just as well as cross-platform web applications. I understand why people would make a unit conversion sort of application as a native iOS app, to give one example, but I’ve thought it’s a shame.

Some others within Mozilla gathered up a lot of opinions, put in a bunch of thought and then put together a prototype which they’ve announced today: Prototype of an Open Web App Ecosystem.

This is really cool. They’ve come up with a good solution that is truly open along every axis. Anyone can build apps and sell them through any channel (including their own!). This is the way apps should work.

Most “app store” designs lock people into a platform. It’s great to see an alternative ecosystem without the lock in.