Announcing Zesty News

Apr 29, 2005 16:34 · 236 words · 2 minute read

People everywhere are discovering new ways to gather and use the information available on the internet. Zesty News will provide a new new way to gather up and read the information on the net.

The focus of Zesty News is simple: keep you informed about everything that matters to you, and use up as little of your time in the process as possible.

Zesty News runs on Windows PCs or Macs and works within the browser you’re already familiar with: Internet Explorer on the PC, Firefox on the PC or Mac and Safari on the Mac. More details, screenshots and the like will be coming a little later on.

As of this writing, Zesty News has one minor feature and some cleanup and documentation to go before the initial alpha test release. That first release will not be a general public release. Only people with accounts on the website will have access. Feel free to send me an email message if you’re interested in being a tester for Zesty News.

The beta release of Zesty News will be open to the public, and this first release of Zesty News will be completely free. My plan is that there will always be a free version of Zesty News.

“Official” Zesty News information and tips will be posted at Blazing Things. As always, more technical discussion, and my general talk, will be here on my personal blog.