Coders aren’t the only contributors to open source

May 29, 2006 20:23 · 156 words · 1 minute read

The TurboGears project has been fortunate to have a number of great contributors. We have had a number of excellent code contributions and contributors, but we’ve also had people give us support on the mailing lists, documentation and visuals.

I’m very thankful to have Richard Standbrook, Ronald Jaramillo, Karl Guertin and others helping keep TurboGears visuals on track. Richard has even helped out with my TurboGears Ultimate DVD by providing a DVD slip case design:

TurboGears Ultimate DVD cover

It’s good looking work that fits well with the new site. I’m looking forward to holding one of these in my hands. The disc heads off to manufacturing on Thursday morning, so there’s still a couple days left to get your order in and your name (or even your logo) in the credits. (After Thursday morning, the credits options obviously go away. The preorder prices will also climb a bit. The products are expected to start shipping on June 16th.)