Ending SlowNews Experiment #1

Feb 23, 2010 14:01 · 189 words · 1 minute read

The great thing about experiments is that they teach you things. Trying something and having it not work is not a failure. It’s information.

I still believe in what I said in my “What is SlowNews?” post: the move toward real-time random links and news is a bad move, in general. That basic part of the experiment is not why I’m dropping my weekly SlowNews posts.

This blog is more than 8 years old, and I’ve always posted to it for myself. I’ve posted thoughts that I wanted to work out in writing. I’ve posted things that I wanted to share because I thought they could help people. I’ve posted about things that I thought were interesting and worthy of additional commentary. I thought these SlowNews postings would fit in that latter category.

But, I haven’t particularly enjoyed putting those posts together in the format I’ve been doing. While it is a chance to reflect on the happenings of the week, what I’ve done so far has felt too random. There’s too little narrative. So, for now, SlowNews goes back onto the idea shelf, waiting for a better implementation.