Paver: project that works, has users, needs a leader

Nov 9, 2010 19:44 · 195 words · 1 minute read Paver

Paver is a Python project scripting tool that I initially created in 2007 to automate a whole bunch of tasks around projects that I was working on. It knows about setuptools and distutils, it has some ideas on handling documentation with example code. It also has users who occasionally like to send in patches. The latest release has had more than 3700 downloads on PyPI.

Paver hasn’t needed a lot of work, because it does what it says on the tin: helps you automate project tasks. Sure, there’s always more that one could do. But, there isn’t more that’s required for it to be a useful tool, day-to-day.

Here’s the point of my post: Paver is in danger of being abandoned. At this point, everything significant that I am doing is in JavaScript, not Python. The email and patch traffic is low, but it’s still too much for someone that’s not even actively using the tool any more.

If you’re a Paver user and either:

  1. want to take the project in fanciful new directions or,

  2. want to keep the project humming along with a new .x release every now and then

please let me know.